April's profile picture
19. she/her

Hello, I'm April

Welcome to my personal space on the web :) This is where I share my thoughts, projects, and passions!

The stars in the background remind me that we're all made of stardust, always changing and growing in this vast universe.

About Me

I'm currently studying Computer Science with a focus on Systems Development, When I'm not coding, you'll find me exploring nature, or experimenting with digital art.


Backend Development, Kotlin/Java, Typescript/Javascript, Linux, Rust, C++/C Haskell, Nix


Linux, Reverse Engineering, Gamehacking, Nature, Pharmacology, Hiking & I also enjoy Video Games!

Currently Listening

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My wife

My wife

My beautiful pretty wife <3

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Hire me?

Hi, I'm April, an experienced Systems Engineer specializing in eBPF/XDP. I have extensive expertise in Linux networking and a strong background in reverse engineering, game hacking, and software development. Additionally, I have experience analyzing DRM systems, anticheat mechanisms, and related technologies.

Email me at april@aprilrain77.com

My CV is private, please contact me for it.

Fun Fact

Rust is my favorite language :)